A few of my live performances:
Live at the Third Practice Festival – November 2, 2013
Greatest Hits part 1: Live at MoMA – August 1, 2011
Live at Westlake Park – August 7, 2009
For ZV: Live at Avery Theater – July 7, 2006

Diffusing sound live at IPI photo by Toby Paddock
The tracks above are unedited with no post-performance overdubs or processing.
I try to make each performance singular not only by bringing different instruments (which sometimes malfunction or die) but also by mixing and processing sounds from my library of studio sessions, field recordings, and unclassifiable experiments.

antique bell
As a result, my live sets embrace freely improvised electronics on vintage, homemade, and sabotaged gear; acoustic renditions and covers on the flap-o-phone; laptop-driven sets of field recordings; and highly processed, prerecorded electroacoustic sound diffused live to multiple speakers.
Live performance is my crucible for making new pieces. I try to take risks with non-traditional instruments, venture into new structures, and test untried juxtapositions of sounds. Many of my live performances guide me towards (or simply become) finished compositions.

a backstage bathroom
I have performed at countless venues, from the well-known and world-class (Benaroya in Seattle, Tramway in Glasgow, MoMA in New York) to modest yet superb-sounding spaces (Chapel Performance Space, Abbey Ballroom, The Kitchen, New Paris Theatre) to bars, restaurants, and cafés (re-bar, Jasmine Tree, Starbucks) which range from surprisingly lovely to nose-curdlingly disgusting and hell-hole-ish.
I’m available for performances; I’m interested in gigs that focus on listening. And I’m no diva, even if my name gets misspelled.